Research Interests
Revenue Management, Supply Chain Management, Healthcare Operations, Human-Robot Interaction
Online Learning, Offline Learning, Data-Driven Optimization, Approximation Algorithms, Online Algorithms
Under Review
Online Learning for Inventory Control Problems under Random Yield,
Zhong Zheng, Qian Chen, Xingyuan (Ethan) Fang, Cong Shi
Learning Bundle Pricing of Reusable Resources,
Arlen Dean, Mohammad Zhalechian, Cong Shi
Online Learning for Joint Pricing and Remuneration in a Two-Sided Market,
Jingwen Tang, Cong Shi, Izak Duenyas
Personalized Pricing with Invalid Instrumental Variables: Identification, Estimation, and Policy Learning,
Rui Miao, Zhengling Qi, Cong Shi, Lin Lin
Under Revision
It is All About the Demand CDF: Data-Driven Periodic Review Inventory Control,
Ganggang Xu, Cong Shi, Major Revision at Management Science.
LEGO: Optimal Online Learning under Sequential Price Competition,
Shukai Li, Cong Shi, Sanjay Mehrotra, Major Revision at Operations Research.
An Online Mirror Descent Learning Algorithm for Multiproduct Inventory Systems,
Sichen Guo, Cong Shi, Chaolin Yang, Christos Zacharias, Major Revision at Operations Research.
Multiproduct Inventory Systems with Upgrading: Replenishment, Allocation, and Online Learning,
Jingwen Tang, Izak Duenyas, Cong Shi, Nan Yang, Major Revision at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
Operations Research
Offline Feature-Based Pricing under Censored Demand: A Causal Inference Approach,
J. Tang, Z. Qi, E. X. Fang, C. Shi, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, to appear. [DOI]
Tailored Base-Surge Policies in Dual-Sourcing Inventory Systems with Demand Learning,
B. Chen, C. Shi, Operations Research, to appear. [DOI]
Online Learning for Constrained Assortment Optimization under Markov Chain Choice Model,
S. Li, Q. Luo, Z. Huang, C. Shi, Operations Research, to appear. [DOI]
Contextual Learning with Online Convex Optimization: Theory and Application to Medical Decision-Making,
E. Keyvanshokooh, M. Zhalechian, C. Shi, M. P. Van Oyen, P. Kazemian, Management Science, to appear.
Finalist, POMS College of Healthcare Operations Management (CHOM) Best Paper Competition, 2022.
Finalist, INFORMS Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (MSOM) Best Student Paper Competition, 2021.
Finalist, INFORMS Health Applications Society (HAS) Best Student Paper Competition, 2021.
Finalist, INFORMS Decision Analysis Society (DAS) Best Student Paper Competition, 2020.
IOE Murty Prize for Best Student Paper on Optimization, 2020.
Online Learning for Dual Index Policies in Dual Sourcing Systems,
J. Tang, B. Chen, C. Shi, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 26(2), 758-774, 2024. [DOI]
PASTA: Pessimistic Assortment Optimization,
J. Dong, W. Mo, Z. Qi, C. Shi, E. X. Fang, V. Tarokh, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023), Honolulu, HI. [DOI]
Online Learning and Pricing for Network Revenue Management with Reusable Resources,
H. Jia, C. Shi, S. Shen, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022), New Orleans, LA. [DOI]
Online Learning and Pricing with Reusable Resources: Linear Bandits with Sub-Exponential Rewards,
H. Jia, C. Shi, S. Shen, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022), Baltimore, MD. [DOI]
Online Learning and Pricing for Service Systems with Reusable Resources,
H. Jia, C. Shi, S. Shen, Operations Research, Vol. 72(3), 1203-1241, 2024. [DOI]
Data-Driven Hospital Admission Control: A Learning Approach,
M. Zhalechian, E. Keyvanshokooh, C. Shi, M. P. Van Oyen, Operations Research, Vol. 71(6), 2111-2129, 2023. [DOI]
Network Revenue Management with Online Inverse Batch Gradient Descent Method,
Y. Chen, C. Shi, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 32(7), 2123-2137, 2023. [DOI]
Online Resource Allocation with Personalized Learning,
M. Zhalechian, E. Keyvanshokooh, C. Shi, M. P. Van Oyen, Operations Research, Vol. 70(4), 2138–2161, 2022. [DOI]
Partner with a Third-Party Delivery Service or Not? A Prediction-and-Decision Tool for Restaurants Facing Takeout Demand Surges During a Pandemic,
H. Jia, S. Shen, J. Garcia, C. Shi, Service Science, Vol. 14(2), 139-155, 2022. [DOI]
Multi-Armed Bandit with Sub-Exponential Rewards,
H. Jia, C. Shi, S. Shen, Operations Research Letters, Vol. 49(5), 728-733, 2021. [DOI]
Marrying Stochastic Gradient Descent with Bandits: Learning Algorithms for Inventory Systems with Fixed Costs,
H. Yuan, Q. Luo, C. Shi, Management Science, Vol. 67(10), 6089–6115, 2021. [DOI]
Finalist, INFORMS Applied Probability Society (APS) Best Student Paper Competition, 2019.
IOE Murty Prize for Best Student Paper on Optimization, 2019.
Nonparametric Learning Algorithms for Joint Pricing and Inventory Control with Lost-Sales and Censored Demand,
B. Chen, X. Chao, C. Shi, Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 46(2), 405-833, 2021. [DOI]
Online Advance Scheduling with Overtime: A Primal-Dual Approach,
E. Keyvanshokooh, C. Shi, M. P. Van Oyen, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 23(1), 246-266, 2021. [DOI]
Optimal Learning Algorithms for Stochastic Inventory Systems with Random Capacities,
W. Chen, C. Shi, I. Duenyas, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 29(7), 1624-1649, 2020. [DOI]
Closing the Gap: A Learning Algorithm for the Lost-Sales Inventory System with Lead Times,
H. Zhang, X. Chao, C. Shi, Management Science, Vol. 66(5), 1962–1980, 2020. [DOI]
Strategic Capacity Planning Problems in Revenue Sharing Joint Ventures,
R. Levi, G. Perakis, C. Shi, W. Sun, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 29(3), 664-687, 2020. [DOI]
Joint Pricing and Inventory Management with Strategic Customers,
Y. Chen, C. Shi, Operations Research, Vol. 67(6), 1610-1627, 2019. [DOI]
Joint Pricing and Inventory Management with Strategic Customers,
Y. Chen, C. Shi, ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC 2017), Cambridge, MA. [DOI]
Process Flexibility for Multi-Period Production Systems,
C. Shi, Y. Wei, Y. Zhong, Operations Research, Vol. 67(5), 1300-1320, 2019. [DOI]
Service Level Constrained Inventory Systems,
Y. Jiang, C. Shi, S. Shen, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 28(9), 2365-2389, 2019. [DOI]
Perishable Inventory Systems: Convexity Results for Base-Stock Policies and Learning Algorithms under Censored Demand,
H. Zhang, X. Chao, C. Shi, Operations Research, Vol. 66(5), 1276-1286, 2018. [DOI]
Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Perishable Inventory Systems with Positive Lead Times,
X. Chao, X. Gong, C. Shi, C. Yang, H. Zhang, S. X. Zhou, Management Science, Vol. 64(11), 5038-5061, 2018. [DOI]
Revenue Management of Reusable Resources with Advanced Reservations,
Y. Chen, R. Levi, C. Shi, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 26(5), 836-859, 2017. [DOI]
Production Planning Problems with Joint Service-Level Guarantee: A Computational Study,
Y. Jiang, J. Xu, S. Shen, C. Shi, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 55(1), 38-58, 2017. [DOI]
Priority Rules for Multi-Task Due-Date Scheduling under Varying Processing Costs,
Y. Xu, C. Shi, I. Duenyas, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 25(12), 2086-2102, 2016. [DOI]
Stochastic Regret Minimization for Revenue Management Problems with Nonstationary Demands,
H. Zhang, C. Shi, C. Qin, C. Hua, Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 63(6), 433-448, 2016.[DOI]
Approximation Algorithms for Inventory Problems with Submodular or Routing Costs,
V. Nagarajan, C. Shi, Mathematical Programming Series A, Vol. 160(1), 225-244, 2016. [DOI]
A Data-Driven Approach to Manpower Planning at U.S.-Canada Border Crossings,
M. Yu, Y. Ding, R. Lindsey, C. Shi, Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 91, 34-47, 2016. [DOI]
Approximation Algorithms for Perishable Inventory Systems with Setup Costs,
H. Zhang, C. Shi, X. Chao, Operations Research, Vol. 64(2), 432-440, 2016. [DOI]
Nonparametric Data-Driven Algorithms for Multiproduct Inventory Systems with Censored Demand,
C. Shi, W. Chen, I. Duenyas, Operations Research, Vol. 64(2), 362-370, 2016. [DOI]
Approximation Algorithms for Perishable Inventory Systems,
X. Chao, X. Gong, C. Shi, H. Zhang, Operations Research, Vol. 63(3), 585-601, 2015. [DOI]
A Faster Algorithm for the Resource Allocation Problem with Convex Cost Functions,
C. Shi, H. Zhang, C. Qin, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Vol. 34, 137-146, 2015. [DOI]
Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Stochastic Inventory Systems with Setup Costs,
C. Shi, H. Zhang, X. Chao, R. Levi, Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 61(4), 304-319, 2014. [DOI]
Approximation Algorithms for the Stochastic Lot-Sizing Problem with Order Lead Times,
R. Levi, C. Shi, Operations Research, Vol. 61(3), 593-602, 2013. [DOI]
Human-Robot Interaction
A Linear Assignment Bandit Approach to Online Multi-Human Multi-Robot Teaming,
Yaohui Guo, X. Jessie Yang, Cong Shi
Modeling Trust Propagation in Multi-Human Multi-Robot Teams,
Yaohui Guo, X. Jessie Yang, Cong Shi
TIP: A Trust Inference and Propagation Model in Multi-Human Multi-Robot Teams,
Y. Guo, X. J. Yang, C. Shi, Autonomous Robots, to appear.
Evaluating the Impact of Personalized Value Alignment in Human-Robot Interaction: Insights into Trust and Team Performance Outcomes,
S. Bhat, J. B. Lyons, C. Shi, X. J. Yang
Effect of Adapting to Human Preferences on Trust in Human-Robot Teaming,
S. Bhat, J. B. Lyons, C. Shi, X. J. Yang
Reward Shaping for Building Trustworthy Robots in Sequential Human-Robot Interaction,
Y. Guo, X. J. Yang, C. Shi
Enabling Team of Teams: A Trust Inference and Propagation (TIP) Model in Multi-Human Multi-Robot Teams,
Y. Guo, X. J. Yang, C. Shi, Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS 2023), Daegu, South Korea. [DOI]
Clustering Trust Dynamics in a Human-Robot Sequential Decision-Making Task,
S. Bhat, J. B. Lyons, C. Shi, X. J. Yang, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 7(4), 8815-8822, 2022. [DOI]
Reverse Psychology in Trust-Aware Human-Robot Interaction,
Y. Guo, C. Shi, X. J. Yang, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 6(3), 4851-4858, 2021. [DOI]
Road to Micro-Celebration: The Role of Mutation Strategy of Micro-Celebrity in Digital Media,
X. Chen, L. Jiang, S. Miao, C. Shi, New Media and Society, Vol. 25(12), 3455-3476, 2023. [DOI]
Play It Safe or Leave the Comfort Zone? Optimal Content Strategies for Social Media Influencers on Streaming Video Platforms,
X. Chen, L. Liang, S. Miao, C. Shi, Decision Support Systems, to appear. [DOI]
Books and Book Chapters
The Elements of Joint Learning and Optimization in Operations Management,
edited by Xi Chen, Stefanus Jasin, Cong Shi, Springer, New York, NY.
Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Optimization Problems in Operations Management,
C. Shi,
Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, edited by J. J. Cochran, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Inventory Systems,
C. Shi,
Research Handbook on Inventory Management, edited by J.-S. Song, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
Value Alignment and Trust in Human-Robot Interaction: Insights from Simulation and User Study,
S. Bhat, J. B. Lyons, C. Shi, X. J. Yang,
Discovering the Frontiers of Human-Robot Interaction, edited by R. Vinjamuri, Springer, New York, NY.
Online Learning and Pricing for Network Revenue Management with Reusable Resources,
Huiwen Jia, Cong Shi, Siqian Shen
Near-Optimal Pricing Policy for Service Systems with Reusable Resources and Forward-Looking Customers,
Yiwei Chen, Cong Shi
More Bang for Your Buck: Effective KOL Marketing Campaign in Emerging Short-Video Markets,
Xingyu Chen, Li Ji, Ling Jiang, Sentao Miao, Cong Shi
Integrating Empirical Estimation and Assortment Personalization for E-Commerce: A Consider-then-Choose Model,
Maggie Li, Xiang Liu, Yan Huang, Cong Shi, Cheng Hua
External Grants